
修改描述并重新提交后,Unblock Youku 终于通过审核在 Chrome 官方应用商店重新上架。请之前下载 crx 文件安装过临时的版本的同学先卸载临时版本,再安装新版,以获取自动更新功能以及解锁更多网站。

  1. 打开 chrome://extensions 页面,卸载掉之前安装的 Unblock Youku
  2. 去 Chrome Web Store 直接安装正式的版本,地址为 http://uku.im/chrome


我们收到 Chrome Web Store 的官方邮件,通知我们由于违反了相关协议,Unblock Youku 浏览器扩展程序在 Chrome 应用商店被下架。目前访问插件安装页面会收到提示:

An error occurred:
Item not found. This item may have been removed by its author.



Dear Developer,

Your Google Chrome item, “Unblock Youku,” with ID: pdnfnkhpgegpcingjbfihlkjeighnddk did not comply with our program policies and was removed from the Google Chrome Web Store.

The Program Policies can be found here: http://code.google.com/chrome/webstore/program_policies.html

If you’d like to re-submit your item, please make the appropriate changes to the item so that it complies with our policies, then re-publish it in your developer dashboard. Please reply to this email for issues regarding this item removal.

*Please keep in mind that your re-submitted item will not be immediately published live in the store. All re-submitted items undergo a strict compliance review and will be re-published if the item passes review.

*Important Note
Repeated or egregious violations in the store may result in your developer account being banned from the store. This may also result in the suspension of related Google services associated with your Google account. All re-submitted items will continue to be subject to Chrome Web Store policies and terms of service.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Google Chrome Web Store team


我们正尝试与 Google 联络以确定我们违反了什么条款,并希望能将 Unblock Youku 重新上架。截至目前该扩展程序已经有接近 179 万用户,使用者遍布全球,因为此次下架给大家带来的不便我们深感抱歉。

目前,作为临时解决方案,您可以从以下链接下载到 Unblock Youku 的 crx 文件


  1. 打开 Chrome 浏览器,在地址栏输入 chrome://extensions 进入插件扩展程序管理页面
  2. 将下载到的 crx 文件拖拽到 chrome://extensions 页面
  3. 遇到安全提示,请点击“Continue”继续安装

允许安装 Chrome 插件

之前已经安装过的用户不受影响,插件仍可继续正常工作。以上方式安装的 Unblock Youku 和之前在 Chrome Web Store 上的功能没有任何差别,但是无法获得以后新版本的自动更新。你可以在下面留言提交你的 Email 地址,如果我们后续还能重新上架,或者有其他解决方案,我会主动发送邮件通知你。
